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Fashion Blog

Dedicated To The Curbside Fashionista!

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Robin Beadle

Growing up in San Jose you would always find me in shorts, flip flops and a t-shirt. I'm always looking for the adult alternative to that uniform. We've all seen the ladies that dress too young for their age. When you're young you look good in basic gear. When you're older you have to put in a bit more work. So, I put on a long t-shirt with flip flops and an over sized sweater. I took the shorts off but I'm still a lady ;)

Trend: Right size for your age Clothes: Havananas flip flops, Raquel Allegra dress and Maje sweater.​

Fraggle Rockin It

Robin Beadle

The only thing I love more than hanging with my peeps is hanging with my peeps and wine. Also, who doesn't love when your friends document the evening after they've hit you with a furry pop.

Trend: Faux Yo (seriously, the night started out with double black blazers) ClothesJimmy Choo shoes, Theory cropped pants, short blazer from Club Monaco, long blazer from Kenna-T, Parker sequin top, Kooba gold bag and earrings from Rocksbox.
