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SF, CA, 94107
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Fashion Blog

Dedicated To The Curbside Fashionista!

Filtering by Tag: azadehcouture

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

Robin Beadle

I had a fantastic day yesterday! I was walking around Union Square taking photos of stylish people when Charleston Pierce saw me and and told me to get on down to The Four Seasons Hotel to check out Azadeh's fashion show. So, I hustled down to the show and caught these beautiful clothes and models while an exclusive group of women enjoyed a ladies lunch while picking out their favorite fashions. How fun is that!! 

Charleston, who happened to be walking with Johanna Nilsson of LLXLLQ, are both deep the SF fashion seen. Charleston is a model, TV host and fashion show producer among many other talents. Johanna is a Marketing and Sales executive for LLXLLQ, an Italian plus size shoe designer.

I love being at the right place at the right time!

Trend: Get out there and be somebody!  Location: The streets of SF


Robin Beadle

The retail stores located in Union Square in San Francisco, and downtown Los Gatos, offer clients a ready to wear collection off the rack and custom made to fit service for one of a kind pieces.

Location: Four Seasons Hotel July, 2013