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Fashion Blog

Dedicated To The Curbside Fashionista!

Filtering by Tag: Perfume

Le Parfum, Seriously

Robin Beadle

When in Paris, buy French perfume. At least it seems like the right thing to do. I like the idea of buying French perfume, smoking cigarettes and sleeping in the nude. Too bad I hate smoke and I'm too paranoid to sleep naked. Regardless, I smell like, and I quote "mandarin flowers and white hyacinth, with sweet pea and jasmine, sandalwood and patchouli, the fragrance combines simplicity, freshness, charm and the couture spirit". You got that? I wonder what fragrances the French have for appropriate attitudes and politically correct responses. I may need a spritz of that from time to time. Know what I'm saying?

Trend: Obsessed with everything French! Perfume: CARVEN