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Oh Ye Of Little Faith

Fashion Blog

Dedicated To The Curbside Fashionista!

Oh Ye Of Little Faith

Robin Beadle

For those of you who didn't believe me when I said that sneakers are a trend in Paris, take a look! This uber chic Louis Vuitton show goer would usually be wearing a pair of super high heels created by celibate artisan monks in the hills of Italy. Sneakers are showing up everywhere. The hip hop influence has finally made it to the foot of the Paris runways (pun intended). I'm going to take full advantage of this trend for the window of time it is happening. Don't worry, I'll still be wearing my foot wrecking stilettos but I love this fresh take on cool.  Also, check out the other big street trend, leather pants. If you look closely hers are perforated with tiny holes. Making an ordinarily heavy skin, light and super cool.

Show / Location: LOUIS VUITTON, Porte saint Germaine L'auxerrois. Rue De L'Amiral De Coligny. Paris 1er.