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Fashion Blog

Dedicated To The Curbside Fashionista!

Love, Wrinkle Free

Robin Beadle

 My neighbor John, asked me to do a review of his movie. My neighbor is a movie producer??! I've got some catching up to do. Before I get started, asking one creative person to give another creative person literal feed back? Well, watch out! LOL

At first I set out to give some witty insightful review of the movie Love, Wrinkle Free but the movie is already cute, witty and an insightful commentary on the fleeting beauty of youth. What I found more interesting are the secret lives people lead behind closed doors.

Similar to the characters in the movie everyone is looking for an outlet where they can express themselves. You know, the kind where you are in marketing by day and write a fashion blog at night. ;)  John, is a producer and actor in Love, Wrinkle Free but by day he works hard as an engineer in Silicon Valley.  His life is filled with music, dance, movies and probably a bunch more I don't know about! Who has the freakin time?

Love, Wrinkle Free is more than a movie about trying to hold on to your youth in someone else eyes and more about realizing and expanding the beauty in your own existence. Savio, the lead, was fired from his lingerie sales job and is trying to recreate himself as an edible underwear king pin. Every guys dream, right?!

Check out the movie clip below. 

Thank God for secret lives! I'm sure it was someones secret life that saw that women needed to walk in high heels and required sparkly gloss for our lips.

Trend: Giving my opinion on stuff Movie: Love, Wrinkle Free. Check it out. itunes: