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Fashion Blog

Dedicated To The Curbside Fashionista!

My First

Robin Beadle

While I was in Paris I wanted to make sure that I made a visit to the Chanel store that is adjacent to her apartment at 31 Rue Cambon. ​The first thing I asked when I got there was "Where is the famous staircase to Chanel's apartment?" Typically, the public is not allowed to take photos but since I was interested in the actual history the sales associate told me to hurry and snap a shot. She said that people generally never ask and she was so happy to hear that I was interested in the heritage.  Cool, Right? Also, this is the only location that you will receive your Chanel purchase in a white bag. All of the other store in the world use black bags. So, for my first Chanel purchase I chose a newer style call "Boy". This was the nickname of her lover Captain Arthur Edward "Boy" Capel. He was her lover and muse.