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Fashion Blog

Dedicated To The Curbside Fashionista!

Hands Free??!!

Robin Beadle

It's been brought to my attention that there is a "Hands-Free" trend going on and the French seem to be leading the way. I'm not talking about your phone. I'm talking about your purse! Apparently, the trend is to not have one.....NO PURSE?? My mind exploded a little bit. Where do I put my stuff? Do I use pockets? What do I do with my hands? All important questions. I've decided to accept the hands-free challenge and try it for one day this weekend. The short list: one house key, ATM card, drivers License, iPhone and lip gloss. With all of the extra idle time, I'm pretty sure my hands will get in trouble.

Trend: You guessed it, no purse!​