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Fashion Blog

Dedicated To The Curbside Fashionista!

Beautiful Scarf Time!

Robin Beadle

I'm feeling a little left out of New York Fashion Week because I wasn't able to go! Boo Hoo!! Anyway, I've got lots of things to do like constructing my “transition to winter” wardrobe, calling my trainer to help me lose weight before I gain weight during the holidays and trying to understand just what the hell men are thinking. I’ve got two of the three under control.

It’s finally summer here in San Francisco. Our warm weather season is super short. Sometimes it only lasts until 2pm each day (live it, learn it). Which means it’s beautiful scarf time! In addition to adding a certain level of sophistication to a ladies “giddy-up”, we all know that layering is the key to survival here in the City by the Bay.  Say hello to my little friend, Valentino Camubutterfly Silk Shawl. Bridging the gap between summer and whatever happens after 2pm.