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Fashion Blog

Dedicated To The Curbside Fashionista!

Let's Talk Fashion Futures

Robin Beadle

This time of year the world looks to Paris Fashion Week to help answer the eternal question, "What am I going to wear next FALL?!". While I'm pretty sure most of you don't really plan your wardrobes 6 months in advance, I guarantee that you will appreciate a glimpse of the future you.

Location: Guy Laroche - Grand Palais, galerie Sud-Est, avenue Winston Churchill, Paris 8e

How To Look French (Step One: Hats)

Robin Beadle

Paris Fashion Week is a great time to try to figure out how the French manage to have so much style. An American in Paris should receive a style starter kit that includes a garbage bag for their unmentionables (ex. Khaki pants that zip into shorts, white tennis shoes and fanny packs). The first item one should consider when cultivating french style is a chic chapeau. The hat has been underutilized for years as the main accessory for topping your overall look. Think about those old photos of your grandparent (or great grandparents) and how they always looked so well dressed even though they were the same age in the photo that you are now.  I bet they were wearing a hat.

Location: 2014 Paris Fashion Week Hat: Maison Michel Paris

Sea Of Love

Robin Beadle

What is the true value of something you desire? It's whatever you're willing to pay. Still, I wonder why I pay retail at all when the things I dream about hit the 75% off rack. Are they still as sparkly? Or did I just think they were. Maybe I'm finding these sale treasures because the universe put me at the corner of "Right Place" and "Right Time". Ours is not to reason why, our is but to go and buy.

Location: Jeremy's SF Handbag: Proenza Schouler

Happy New You!

Robin Beadle

As we roll into 2014 I want you all to keep in mind that whatever dreams you have start making them happen now! Want to lose weight? Put that chicken wing down! Thinking of starting a business? Write a business plan and have a professional evaluate it! Desire to visit far off lands? Buy a ticket and go!

The only thing holding you back is YOU! So what are you waiting for?

"...You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again." ~ Achilles, from the movie Troy

Eyewear: Dita