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Fashion Blog

Dedicated To The Curbside Fashionista!


Robin Beadle

Do we really need a reason to buy stuff? No, but if you do need a reason pull this out of your justification jar. This Ashley B jacket has a removable vest! So, it's really a two for one style goody.

Trend: Getting more for what you pay for Clothes: Ashley B jacket

They Think My Bib Looks Like A Transformer

Robin Beadle

There are a few more important points to make other than what engineers think of my stylin' neck bib. I'm hitting a few hot trends here. Leather (in this case pleather) and a bordeaux lip. Someone has got to represent amongst all of these corporate logo labeled tech head polo shirts. Boom!

Trend: Leather and bordeaux lips Clothes: ASTR pleather shirt, Bobbi Brown lips, Hermes skirt I got on consignment and my player neck bib from Nordstrom. 

She's Bringing Fanny Pack, YEA!

Robin Beadle

Hate to be all stalkerish and such but LOVE your Gucci fanny pack! I'm pretty sure that we all thought (wished) this fad was dead and buried. Love is a funny thing. It's like that boy in high school that you thought was gross but has grown up into a rich power broker. Amazing how he's looking pretty good right now....Wait! What?!

Anyway... fanny packs... a good thing!

Trend: Don't count the fanny pack out or dudes you think are gross